Meditation, is that something for me?
Are you aware of the power of the brain? Mindfulness and meditation are neutral tools that are not tied to any particular culture, religion or way of life, but are in harmony with all cultures, religions and ways of life.Aahana teaches meditation in a religion-neutral...
The power of inner chatter – or how our thoughts directly influence our lives
«Whether you think you can or you think you can’t – you’re right.» - Henry Ford The man was right! The way we think determines our lives. This concept, as simple as it is powerful, is not new. Thousands of years ago, similar thoughts were shared in the Vedas: The...
Goodbye, Autopilot! How to live consciously in the here and now and benefit from the power of the present
How to live consciously in the here and now and benefit from the power of the present When the sage Patanjali described the practice of yoga meditation in the Yoga Sutras some two thousand years ago (and he did so without having brain scans available😊), he made use of...
How meditation positively affects our health – 7 benefits.
Meditation has a long history, dating back over 4000 years. It comes from the Vedas, and began as a practice in ancient India. It and is an effective way to relax and strengthen our mind and body. Meditation has now spread internationally and is becoming more and more...
The Engadine mountain panorama as a symbol of life – and what nature teaches us
Hoch oben und fernab des Rummels, am verschneiten Motta Naluns, neigt sich das alte Jahr dem Ende zu. Ich kann mir keinen schöneren Ort vorstellen, um mein 2023 zu planen. Das Engadiner Bergpanorama berührt mein Herz und meine Seele…
Meditation and mindfulness: how do they differ?
Meditation and mindfulness have a lot in common,but they do not refer to the exact same thing: Meditation, as a "formal practice" a mind training that has been practiced for thousands of years, mostly sitting. It involves focusing the mind on an object, our...